Benchmark Config Concurrence 1 Concurrence 5 Concurrence 10 Concurrence 20 Score
Hello world 1,3 ms 746 rq/sec 1 ms 5 238 rq/sec 1,9 ms 5 334 rq/sec 3,9 ms 5 169 rq/sec
9 464
API REST 2,3 ms 437 rq/sec 1,8 ms 2 725 rq/sec 3,6 ms 2 769 rq/sec 7,2 ms 2 784 rq/sec
14 127

Outils de performance

Doctrine stats

Get Doctrine stats : managed entities, lazy loaded entities, hydration time etc.

Doctrine entity merger

Add hint MERGE_ENTITY to merge fields retrieved by many queries with PARTIAL.

Symfony container introspection

View Symfony Container instantiated services, public / private services etc.

PHP backtrace

Show nice equivalent to debug_backtrace(), with caller, code preview etc.
